The question “What is business litigation?” can be answered easily. It is a specialization within the law that relates to defending or resolving legal disputes between a company and any other party. In many cases, it is used to describe defending firms and companies that are accused of any type of misconduct.
SRV Legal LLP is a firm of trial and appellate lawyers who are united by a few basic principles.
First, we are proficient at resolving disputes – any kind of dispute. Whether through a lawsuit, mediation, arbitration, or finding a middle ground; in state or federal court; in India, or internationally: we have the aptitude to lead to a winning conclusion in any type of dispute in any industry for plaintiffs or defendants.
SRV Legal LLP’s Business lawsuit practice specializes in counseling and managing complex litigation involving business clients in arguments with other businesses, government entities, or groups of individuals, each of which necessarily involves an understanding of both the business issue and the industry of the client.
Our crucial objective is to advance our clients’ interests. We appreciate that a client’s business plan, balance sheet, and competitive profile are important elements for effectively positioning lawsuit matters from the outset. We are dedicated to mounting solutions to help our clients resolve their toughest adversaries, and we approach each new challenge as an urgent business matter to be resolved expeditiously and economically. We specialize in work for clients across all industries with respect to disputes including:
Breach of Contract/Fiduciary Duty
Business Torts
Partnership Disputes
Private Deals/Post-Closing Disputes
Bad Faith Litigation
Regulatory Investigations and Litigation
Privacy & Data Security
Restrictive Covenant/Trade Secret Litigation
Insurance Disputes
Bankruptcy Adversary Proceedings
Civil Litigation
Criminal Litigation
Public Interest Litigation